Version 1.12.37 This game can be played with one or two players. Each player controls a CyB who swings the hammer on a lever in an attempt to ring the bell. The object of the game is to become the record-holder for the highest bell ring. You have 3 attempts to hit the bell at each level. If the weight hits the bell, you move to the next level and have 3 new chances. Each level increases the height of the bell by 1 foot, and at the first level, the bell is at 6 feet. There is no limit to the number of levels in the game. You are given 15 seconds to make an attempt. The two-player game is played in turns. You are shown your name in the info area when it is your turn. A power meter at the top of the screen shows the amount of power that is being created. The game continues until one of the players fails. The winner is the one who has better result. If you play alone, you are alerted if you have the best result. To swing the hammer, you have to continuously hit , followed by , in succession. The faster you can alternate between and , the higher the power that is displayed in the power meter.Press quickly to swing the hammer. COPYRIGHT © 2001 CYBIKO, Inc.