Once upon a time, inthe mist covered hillsof Scotland, therelived a clan of veryspecial people. Thepeople and the animalslived in peace andlove. People spend longhours tilling theground, and, as areward, got richharvests. Flocks ofsheep and cattlepeacefully grazed inthe fields, asbeautiful birds soaredin the sky. Life waspeaceful, enjoyable,calm, and, above all,beautiful. Harmony andlove were everywhere,and there was never anythought of danger.Then, from out ofnowhere, hoards of evilspirits attacked thiswonderful country andtransformed it into adank, evil, wickedplace. The Clan'sancient legendsrevealed that, in atime of peril, a fiercewarrior would rise upand overthrow theoppressors. Thelegends also said thatthis uprising is onlypossible if the herohas in his possessionthe Holy Armour of God. This ancient relic hadbeen passed on forgenerations by thechief of the clan, butit was stolen by theevil spirits. Only byreclaiming the Armourcan the hero save hispeople! You must leadthe hero down into thecrypt and find all theparts of the Armour ofGod. Your enemies willtry to stop you, butyou are the Chosen One,and you must lead yourpeople to freedom andrestore peace into theworld. Good luck!